23 March, 2009

home is where the washing machine is

The rest of my journey back from Europe was uneventful.

I sat next to a Spanish student who was traveling to the US to learn English, there were no movies to see in the seat in front of me. They showed James Bond's Quantum of Solace at some point during the flight, but on those drop down tiny screens that were in the middle aisle and also about 5 rows in front of me, so I couldn't actually pay attention to the whole thing.

Instead, on my laptop I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the new one) and The Devil Wears Prada (to get back in the NY state of Mind) until my computer died.

I'm not quite ready to write the big 'European audition tour run-down' entry just yet.

I will say that while I am very excited for upcoming-show and totally ready to get back into the groove of stagings, rehearsals, musical rehearsals, casts, and actual performance mode, I am planning a return.
Possibly in May.
I want to do as much as I can while I have the finances and the time to do it.
Flights are cheap (400 round trip to Frankfurt), and if I can get solid audition dates set up NOW, I will be on that plane in a NY minutes...or, a Deutsches minuten..or something like that.

Now, to do my taxes and my laundry.

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