01 March, 2009

Frankfurt part II AND crossing one of the "25 things" off!

I'm actually already in Amsterdam, but it's still worth writing about the rest of my weekend in Frankfurt.
I crossed one of the things OFF OF MY LIST

Ok, so it was MODIFIED---BUT.

I can now officially drive a stick, NOT just in theory, but on a GERMAN HighWay!

Ok, I was too scared to really go fast, but I did it! and my heart was racing the entire time.

I think I got the timing of the clutch/gas thing, I didn't stall the car, I didn't CRASH the car (and yes, there were cars around)...and most of all, it was one of those things that just felt so exhilarating and new!

I had been talking about it in passing to my gracious host and joking that I couldn't take over so don't be tired! And then...jumped out of the driver seat, switched with me, and off we went...with me at the wheel feeling like a million bucks.

Wow- if this is how it feels to do something that you've really only dreamed about or never really thought would happen...however small, or big...I had better get to the rest of that list!

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