08 June, 2007

ouch my most of me (cont.)

I sat in the SHADE for about 3hrs today. With only my pasty white LEGS that never, ever, tan or burn no matter what product or no product I put on them--exposed to the sun.
Fast forward to after my nap (I know, I sound SO spoiled- sitting outside all day, naps), and I wake up and my neck and chest are all red above where I was wearing my tank top!

Not the arms to the sides of it, not my face. Just my chest in a lovely little "U" shape.

Can you get burned in the shade?

Here is what I"m thinking:

WHILE I was sitting in the shade I happened to be illegally picking up someone else's very weak internet signal. So I positioned my laptop on my knees. Maybe it caught the sun? And then burned me from the reflection?
Are you kidding me?
If so, laptop and I are going to have a serious fight, and I may not be checking my email as often, if the effect is a sunburn- which I hope this doesn't turn into, because it doesn't hurt too badly--yet.

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