09 January, 2007

stupid minisic player

Note to self: This is my fault, not the minidisc as stated above in the title.

The last time I used my MDplayer was probably to record (not legally) my Doll Song from one of the mainstage shows.
Ok, so that was Novmber.

WHAT made me think that I wouldn't have to recharge the battery before my Met coaching today and that it would still work?


Well, it recorded the first 55 seconds of each of 5 arias.
And I think that only happened because I didn't leave it on continuously--- I kept pressing stop and start record after each piece.

But I did sound ok for the first 55 seconds times five pieces.

1 comment:

Princess Alpenrose said...

Aaarrrgh! That must be so frustrating!!!

Technology is great, when it works.

At least you know you sound good!