31 October, 2007


Umm, when you live out of suitcases, you don't really plan on dressing up for the holidays. I'm a bit too old to trick or treat (a bit!), and the last Halloween party I attended was 3 years ago (where I dressed up as slutty, brunette Britney Spears: The early years). So what will I do this time?

Well, I suppose I'll try.

I'll to to the grocery store or drugstore, buy some devil ears maybe, and wear something black? red? I don't know.
My wardrobe is pretty limited to rehearsal jeans, rehearsal cords, rehearsal black pants that were a mistake to wear to rehearsal since the floor I roll around on is not that clean, plus many sweaters.

Most of all, I'll buy some treats for everyone at rehearsal.
And NOT eat them.

Oh yea, have I mentioned that my costume is bare bare bare? Midriff, abs, arms, legs.
I like my figure--really I do. I know I could always use more abwork and some freeweights for more toned arms. But this costume was a lovely reminder of how I should NOT hibernate in the winter in my blankets and with a book (as I have done for the past hour since waking up), and that I should instead wake up early, get over it, get to the gym, and just get a workout over with!

I hate it so much. Putting the clothes on, going there, locking my stuff up, looking at the clock every 2 minutes, wishing 55 minutes were over.
Ok, I'll give you that it feels good if I do it every day for..a week...and then it gets normal and I'm not such a hater.
Let's just say I'm not at that point this week!

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