25 April, 2006

comment spam?

Really now. I look SO much forward to checking whether anyone in the existence of this e-world wants to comment on my insignificant postings. And then I see the comment on my previous entry. A robot computer program has managed to find me and let me know that my post, which was not at all about new clothes (actually, it would have made sense in the one about clothes), should inspire me to go to some website and buy things.
I'm glad the trolls of the internet found this and will be commenting based on key words and html.

I should REALLY get out of bed a learn my song for vocal lit. class (which starts in exactly 59 minutes). Strauss, you know you're my guy, but in Standchen I really could have used a break with your irregular rhythms and that last verse in quasi-minor.


1 comment:

me said...

looking through old posts and finding new comments from actual people rox.