29 July, 2008

suitcase results and a look ahead

I'm doing laundry one last time and beginning to pack for the trip home.
It shouldn't take a long time at all because after all, I came here with a carry-on sized suitcase (yes, for 20 days), and I also brought presents that have since been unloaded (and not replaced by too many purchases for myself).

The run-down on my packing skillzzz versus my wearing skillzzz, though, leaves something to be desired.

There are three 'fancy-ish'/hot shirts that I haven't worn here. That's because I haven't worn jeans except once--too hot. Always skirts or dresses.

There is one pair of sandals (well, classy flip-flops) that I just bought that went with two outfits that I brought here. Wore the sandals once-but it merited packing them because no other shoes went with those outfits.
Wore my black flip flops almost every day.
Wore my cute white ballet flats with the dresses that they went with.
Wore my sneakers ONLY on the plane.

Didn't wear khaki shorts. Eww..shorts. But they didn't take up any space, so it's ok.

Read one out of 2 books that I purchased at the airport on the way here...that's alright, the other one is still something I'm going to read (Rushdie), so I can lug it back.

Electronics: ipod got fair use on the plane and on the beach. macbook definitely got used due to free wireless at all times. Cell phone from the US- didn't need it at all, but I want to have it when I get back to the US and immediately want to check my messages.

Journal- I've been bad...let's just leave it at that. NO entries except from the flight OVER here! Oooops.

Score- ok, I DID look at the score...umm, 4 times I think. All the way through each time. Doesn't mean much, but it was worth taking with me if not just for the osmosis factor.

The results are in, and besides bringing those couple of shirts that I didn't wear, I'd say I did pretty well. Much better than last-opera where half of my suitcase (and no, it wasn't a carry on that time) went unworn due to unique weather circumstances beyond my control.

Vaycay is winding down, and although I never really want to leave here because it feels the closest to what I call home, I am ready for what is ahead.

A great audition season where I can concentrate on just that--and not running around nyc with multiple sets of keys and bags trying to figure out which friend's couch I'm crashing on that night--an exciting two shows that I'm preparing for after that, lessons, coachings, living in nyc for the first time :)

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