24 April, 2007

catching up

As quickly as that money entered my account I decided to find it a better home. So my Stocks and long-term-don't-touch-it savings account are now 1,000 bucks richer each.

I'll have to wait until the rent rebate to go on a shopping spree or something..or...just pay for whatever apt. I end up subletting in NYC for 2.5 months.

I don't really feel like I'm "falling behind", but the title of the post suggests that I'm trying to catch up. Even with all of this free time, actually, probably BECAUSE of all of this free time, I have found myself in one of the most unproductive spells of the year.

Back in January with huge-role upcoming, next-year thoughts a-brewing, huge scenes looming, application deadlines for competitions and more--I was the most productive.

Now, even with a few deadlines looming and a few self-motivated letters and materials to be sent out, I have actually spent a large amount of time catching up on reading--mostly online, but still.
The daily ritual of reading the NYtimes is always there, but I've managed to distract myself and get to the bbc, sydney morning herald, ha'aretz.
So that's the news for the day.
Then there are the blogs---yummm! I do tend to wander far deeper than the links posted on the right would have you believe. I just don't have the energy to add them in alphabetical order to the sidebar...but rest assured that I travel through other blogs to even MORE blogs.
General google-ninja-ing. Lately it's been to research agents and opera houses in Germany in preparation for my summer of fun.

What I haven't done: Take a second glance at the recit that was cut and re-opened today. It's just two pages. Hopefully I'll know it tomorrow by 2:30.

What I also haven't done: worried any more about my furniture, where I'm moving, how I'm packing, what I'm taking, and whether it will all fit in my car.

At this point I'm assuming it'll work out. Don't know how--but I'll stay either positive, or oblivious or in denial.

Competitions--yes, I need to be rehearsing my arias again, and figuring out what I'm going to sing "for real"--rep. changes due any day now.

And also a post upcoming about: What to do/think/not to do when you know that someone in the competition is offering the SAME exact rep. (including starting piece--usually) as you are.


Embly said...

I'm linking you on my blog because I read you frequently! let me know if this is not ok...

me said...

that's fine :)

sugarmezzo said...

When do you need the apartment?

me said...

Hello there sugarmezzo- I'm looking for a sublet for me, and hopefully another soprano as well for NYC aud. season: Oct1-Dec.15th -ISH :)