21 May, 2008

i'm siiiiingin' in the rain...just siiiinging' in the rain

What a glorious feeling I'm (ballchange, ballchange) happy again!

Ok, so it just drizzled today. Yesterday was really the downpour.
But I had a great lesson today (totally made up for the shit one due to 'circumstances' beyond my control last week), and I'm inspired.
Not so much inspired to spend the rest of the evening memorizing English recit...
more like inspired to sing things that are going to make me a better singer. All the time.

I'm a total idiot and my minidisk player was on 'hold' while I tried to press record in the lesson...so...of course none of it came through.

But that doesn't matter one BIT because of how it felt afterward.
Namely, that I could sing for another 5 hours. 5 days. And it wouldn't matter because it was all so so so so easy.

NOT that I'd present this in public anytime soon, but this teacher and I agreed that in order to keep the voice in shape, Italianate shape, legato shape---that I should be working on roles that are 'stretch' for USA, and 'normal' for Europe.
And when I say stretch, I say that only with vocal 'color', not size, in mind.

The pendulum swings back and forth, as I've written numerous times before.
They'll cast a coloratura lucia one year and a lyric the next.
Either way, the singers have their strengths and weaknesses in the role in different sections.
But since I've already SUNG and performed a majority of these 'swing' roles when I was younger, it's not like I'm taking some step off the deep end here. I'm just revisiting music that has been in my repertoire and singing in a certain style to keep the growth going. The growth of warmth and comfort in the low and middle which I have been really happy to see developing over the past year, and the general line and shimmer in both legato singing and leggiero singing.

(sushi break....yummm)
I'm back.

Ok, so the bottom line is---hurrah for singing that makes me feel good again.

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