13 September, 2007


I had an audition today.
Well, sorta.
It wasn't for anything in particular, but it was for someone in particular.
I was having an odd day to begin with (probably something to do with the sudden weather change, the fact that I had a really long singing day yesterday and that I was slightly dehydrated) so I was just feeling sluggish all day.
But I got my energy up, got the high g's together, and all that other stuff in the middle as well, and I headed out in my new audition dress.

Performance assessment:

Aria numero uno: 9? and some decimal points maybe.
Ok, more specifically:
Energy was there, dynamics were there, commitment was there, having fun with it was there. It was all totally there in an organic way. Really.
It was funny, though- because I had been kind of out of it all day, a lot of the whole experience seemed to be moving in slow motion almost. It was like I was aware I was doing something but it was so second nature to me, that a lot of time passed between one phrase and the next, one movement and the next, and I could almost be outside of my own body looking at myself performing it, and have enough time to comment.
Not vocally or dramatically of course. Just a weird feeling.

Aria numero dos: 8.95
I say that because of ONE breath that IIII took that I don't usually take.
OTHER people take it. So it's no big deal whatsoever.
But I didn't like that I took it, after deciding with the conductor that I wouldn't take it.
So there!
Take that aria two.
Acting was obviously there since it's something--oh, let's just say currently familiar.

BUT again- there is always that discrepancy between acting what you have been "blocked" to do, and acting in an "audition" situation. So there was modification on both sides as this was the first time the aria was requested since the role had been performed.

Overall- I think I did well. I made pretty music. I was enthusiastic about it. I was vocally and dramatically there.

Next post is about straight theater. No, not heterosexual theater. Straight theater as in real drama. No singing.
After seeing a great play tonight that was "straight".

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