13 November, 2008

warmed up

It's fun when I've been singing or auditioning so much that I don't really have to warm up anymore.

I have some upcoming auditions that I'm pretty excited about. Well, really, I'm just happy to have the opportunity to audition at all...I'm getting stunned emails from friends who can't believe how little is going on, how many rejections or no-audition-slots-available emails they're getting for no real reason even though they've made progress, moved 'up' a level of apprenticeship or performance, etc., and they're having to cancel their own trips to NYC because it's not worth the $500 flight for 2 auditions.

Day 3 of training tomorrow and then a weekend of relaxing, audition, friends from undergrad reunion in the city, FriendsGiving- yes, a pre-thanksgiving friend dinner get-together with turkey, apple pie, and all the rest of the T-day works.

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