08 May, 2006

worst day in a while

And here I thought I was almost home free- what with graduation less than 2 weeks away.

I spent all day dealing with people that don't know how to do their job, slammed my finger in my car door (no, not the soft rubbery part- where my window meets the top of the car), takeout Chinese food spilled in my car (and it wasn't even for ME!), I didn't know half of the songs I was studying with my group for a music history exit exam, had my exit exam this morning (that thankfully went extremely well), and still have to memorize Die Lotosblume for my diction final tomorrow and be able to recite it and sing it, in addition to my Strauss from my recital- which you'd think that I remember seeing as how my recital was just over 2 months ago, but I have no recollection of singing the Brentano lieder whatsoever. Add to that bad health news for a family member, itunes thinking that just because I have a new forwarding address my credit card won't work, ahhhhhhhh!
Enough with today.


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