26 November, 2010


How is it already the end of the month and I've only written 6 blog posts in November?
Kind of unacceptable.
Although I know it will only get WORSE! Because next month I'm on VAYCAY and COMPUTER-LESS for 15 days. You got it!
Well, I'm sure not computer-less, as I will have my handy iphone (thank you for working in the US I hope)...so I can check my email, but I ASSUME that all that bright SUNSHINE of the LEFT coast will not inspire too many blog posts...certainly none that have to do with singing.

19 more days until the airplane!

The video recording went well for the past 2 coachings.
I still have a LOT to make sure that I learn before 2011 gig-2 and gig-3, but I am NOT freaked, because I have SO many hours on planes to go over dialogue and opera translated into English. Plus, I still have 2 more months before that madness even begins. PLENTY 'o' time.

Right now I'm focused on my weekend-getaway out of Deutschland, which I hope will not be hampered by the light snow dusting we got this morning, or the forecast of more light snow tomorrow morning when my flight leaves.

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