11 April, 2007

more decisions

Today I printed out four cover letters that I COULD send to four opera companies to request a late May audition, while I drive back cross country through their city.
Well, what keeps going through my head is what my plans are beginning January 08.
It's nice to be a blank slate, but as my type A personality wills me to always have a plan, I'm trying to make some plans based on things that could happen.

Plan A:
Mother-country opera gives me a gig in Jan-May of 2008. I end audition season in NYC, and then get to do whatever I want until going back for that gig, and I don't worry about filling up my Spring 08 with shows or not.

Plan B:
One of the places where my materials were sent over the past 3 months calls person-who-sent-them up, and wants to hire me for one of their 2008 shows. Again, I feel no pressure after NYC audition season, and I just do that gig.

Plan C:
I have such a great time studying language and being in Europe this summer that I do an official tour for a few months and see what happens.

Plan D:
One of these four companies still hasn't cast their entire Sprin 08 season yet and wants to hear me in May.
I know it's completely past the season of auditions, but I'm driving through their city...if they're there, why NOT ask?

Plan E:
I pick a city (probably the one that I did my undergrad in), call upon my previous connections, keep working, and hope I have an awesome audition season for summer programs and mainstage Fall 08.

Plan F:
Anything else that happens to me between now and Jan.of 08- like maybe getting into one of the residency programs that begins in January or April or anything else.

Those are the possible plans so far. There are MANY more ideas. But these are the frontrunners and ones that I hope will materialize. Of course, unfortunately I have very little to do with whether they actually do happen- besides auditions that have not passed yet. But isn't that always the case?
You do your best, and wait. And while you wait, hopefully you made enough money at your last gig to support this singing habit.

That's why I have 3 US competitions and 3 International Competitions upcoming, and grant requests in the mail.

So I think I'm covering my bases as much as possible.

I think in the near future I'm going to have a sit-down with current-boss about where the co. sees my voice going, what their possible future rep. is, and whether they would consider me for something upcoming, or do they want to continue the trend of giving their YAPpers a bit of space to develop for a year or two before hiring them back for mainstage.

I'm watching the end of Top Design right now.
I want to live in Carissa's loft.

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