12 March, 2007


What will make me feel better right now--- a mint milano cookie or some Advil?
Well, since my advil expired in '05 (oooops- just saw that one on the bottle) I guess mint milano it is!

Had a work-through of Act I today and it went really well. I got a wonderful comment from the director about my acting and how it was organic and coming across really well- which is why he felt comfortable tweaking more and more.

I can't decide if I want to sing through the whole opera every day from now until opening. I have a coaching tomorrow for an hour, and it would be almost-possible to do most of Act I and II. I know I'd feel better if I can just toss this off like anything else and not have to work at it--so maybe tomorrow when I hopefully don't have my headache I'll give it a try and see how long I can keep it up.

In store for tomorrow-- a trip to the DENTIST!!! Booo! To Xray my impacted wisdom teeth and let me know whether I need surgery this summer or not.

Plus, it's at 7:30am- TOTALLY not cool (but the only thing that fits in my schedule).

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