07 October, 2011

one week at a time...

Opera this weekend.
Opera next weekend.
Flight to the US end October.
Rehearsals/ 6 Shows.
Flight back to Deutschland middle December.
I know, I know, this all shouldn't seem like such a big deal.
It's the 'norm'.
But for reasons that so far shall remain UNBEKNOWNST to you...it IS a big deal to me.
Staying energized physically, in good voice, mentally prepared, and looking forward to kicking some booty.


Capriccioblog said...

Are you completely anonymous on this? I want to hear the voice behind the amusing ramblings! Do you give out sound recordings?

me said...

Hi Capriccioglog, yep, I try to stay as anonymous as possible here so that I can be honest with my writing in as many ways as possible. Thanks for your comment, and I'm glad you're enjoying the ramblings :)