08 March, 2008

the rain in spain...i mean, nyc...

Stays mainly...on my head.

It began as a light drizzle. I was walking out of an audition yesterday, overflowing bag as usual so I couldn't close it to avoid the drops hitting my music binder.
And then the downpour.
By this time I had changed into outfit number two for the evening.
It got so bad I had to go into the Gap just to pass some time (I ended up buying a 16 dollar umbrella there), and into B+N to be able to hear a call on my cell phone.

Still like that outside today, and I'm dreading the trek uptown/crosstown to my new place of residence for the next week.

Audition/Competition recap:
well, I already wrote about the first.
So, competition: Sang Chacun and DurchZ. Did really well. Felt the energy of the room. WISHED that I had brought my minidisk recorder up there because it was SO easy to set it up in the little cubby of the room before I walked out. Oh Wel.

Audition yesterday:
Zerbie and Queen (yes, it was for Germans).
Felt great about the Zerb. ONE note--the most important one, that I sing forte and then pianissimo--that was good, and then I got artsy with it and it didn't want to cooperate on the way down. Nothing major, just a tiny little non-connect between that note and the next. Note to self: just sing it...stop thinking about it.
But in OTHEr fun news, I now officially don't take a breath between the held/trilled B for ten thousand measures, the descent after it, OR the arpeggio UP after that---something I had been fooling myself into thinking that I needed. I don't need that breath. And it feels good.

Queen- the panel said they just wanted to hear the first section to make sure I had an F, and I replied that if they wanted a G they should have picked chacun le sait (insert laughter).
Went REALLY well too. This piece is just so easy for me, that sometimes I think it should be more dramatic and start to over-dramatize it...both gesture and voice.
I stayed away from that this time, and lo and behold- it was as clean as ever, and easy as ever too.
Note to self- JUST SING IT.

This week- If I don't seriously make a dent in upcomingrole2, and seriously seriously test myself to make sure that I know upcomingrole1, I will put myself on my own angry list.

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