15 March, 2006

not about music AT ALL

I know I'm not supposed to tell anyone, so I figured I'd post it here online for the whole world to possibly see (not that they read this, but whatever).

Dear person or persons in charge of fate,
PLEASE let the clouds part this afternoon at 1pm, as my BF's boss calls their entire section into a meeting. Please let the radiant light of the missing sun over the northeast penetrate down through those super-clean windows and Please let the announcement be that they are moving to a location that would be a $150 dollar 45 minute plane ride away from where I'll be next year, and a 6 hour drive from where I'll be next year.

I've had enough of small towns and 5 hours drives and no time together for the past 2 years except some performance weekends and some weekends off in between productions.

Please say that we will both be in two large, great, fun cities next year, enjoying ourselves, our friends, and our work, and being able to SEE eachother every OTHER weekend or so, not talk on the phone every night planning when we'll see each other in a MONTH.

I will even be a good girl and practice, and not eat like crap, and go to the gym, and really really care about myself and people around me! But if you could just make this happen so that I don't feel like I'm leaving next year, to go to a part of the country I've never been, that costs $500 dollars to get back to the coast that I know and love, I'd really really appreciate it.



Gregory said...

You forgot to mention that if you have a balance of good karma points that you would like to cash those in now, please.

I think of good Karma like change. It's always there in the corner where you stored it, and you never know how much it's worth until you take it to the machine and cash it in at which point you are pleasantly surprised.

me said...

So true. Addendum: If I have any stores of good karma or otherwise religious points, I'd like to go all in please!