04 March, 2006

Met Broadcast R+J

Ok, I have to post about this. I saw this production a month or two ago with Dessay and Vargas. It was life-changing. And now listening to her on the radio I get the same chills. It is just perfection.
I don't care how much she smokes, what surgeries she's had. She has the golden ticket and the golden voice. She can sing almost anything she damn well pleases, and it sounds easy and normal as putting your socks on before your shoes.

I'm not one of those people who have the singers they love or are obsessed with and refuse to buy any recordings of anything without X tenor or Y coloratura soprano.

OH GOD this balcony duet is GORGEOUS.
I can't even concentrate on typing.

Love is not strong enough a word for my reverence for her voice.

"jusqu'a demain" !!!!!

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