25 March, 2006

fun press

It's really weird to be at a stage in my singing where I can google myself and find that OTHER people can also see that I've been hired to do things next year. On two homepages of OC's (Opera Companies), I can now see that it's true via press releases and cast lists.
The contract will not dissolve into magical fairy dust!
They like me, they really like me!

I guess that means I should learn the music now.

Now it's not just my website, old cast lists from college, reviews by know-body newspapers (also from college), and un-updated competition websites (that I ALSO did in HS (!) and college).

In other news, goals for the next next year are to go international. There are specific reasons for this (namely, a significant person), but we are in the beginning musings of dropping everything in the US and attempting to go global by choosing a city with a population greater than 2.5 million, culture, potentially in a language that we have both studied (or not at all), where we could both pursue our career goals (different), and make enough money to live as poor bohemians with nothing to run on but happiness and the dream.

I feel as if this would not be putting the career "aside", IF I somehow figured out how to audition for companies in possible places like this, OR knew of teachers, coaches, places to study, maybe even schools or programs that I could enroll in. As long as I'm adding either complete fluency plus hopefully a role or two to my repertoire, it's worth it.

And I'll look at it this way- if I do go and it ends up being in Europe, I'll really only care about traveling and seeing everything and maybe participating in some international competitions along the way.
If it ends up not being in Europe, I'll get really good at using chopsticks.


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