29 January, 2007

conclusion of the day:

It's SO much better to blow your nose into tissues than into toilet paper.

Other conclusions of the day:
I think that I'm going to approach current-yap and ask them to make calls or send an introductory email on my behalf to two or three "area"- meaning- nearby STATE- opera houses that otherwise MAY ignore an unsolicited email from me.
Approaching this subject and figuring out whom to ask to do this is proving a bit more difficult (a. because I'm still in bed and will be all of tomorrow I think too, and b. because it's a delicate situation).

Other conclusions of blogger:
When they say that the beta version is gone and they are going to make your website cool and "navigatable" (my word), they really MEAN that it's going to be cool, but a different color than you originally had it.

1 comment:

Gregory said...

Get better soon.

I know your original idea is lost, but the new colors are nice, too.

Sleep when you can. Much love,