13 February, 2006


29 November 2005 @ 11:29 pm
tomorrow and the crazy weekend
It's that lovely time of the month when for a week..well, I won't go into detail.
Sometimes it affects my singing. Sometimes it doesn't.
Sometimes I can still hit the high g's. Sometimes they sound like a crappy whistle tone and I can't get up or down to them.
Headaches, pains, eat/not eat...it's different every 28 days.

Today I actually sang- surprisingly, since I woke up and thought that my voice would be gone completely. Thank you alkolol and warm water in the nose and throat
I sang. Pain free almost. Not SO painful high G (without even warming up before hand).
This give me some hope that tomorrow will be even less of a PAIN in my audition.

Although I do have to ride on a bus for 4 hours before it, and after it.
And then turn right back around and go to the city again on Thursday.

I will have my ipod, the monologue I have to memorize, and my music to go over.
Hopefully that will keep me busy.
I would take my laptop and start arranging the song I'm getting paid to arrange, but that seems like a lot to schlepp around for just a day.

I hope I remember how to take the subway!

country bumpkin' that I am.

--screeechy (hopefully not tomorrow though) g.

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