13 August, 2007

maybe 9-5s aren't that horrible...

...if you get to sit in front of your own computer in your workout clothes all day.
Hey- I'd be getting overtime right now since it's 5:32! Plus I only took half an hour for lunch!

I've been staring at the computer screen for mostly all day.
To be the "decider" of things.

Do I want to do this application?
Do I want to do this competition?
Do I want to send out this mainstage mailing?
That concert mailing?
Should I pay 75 bucks to get 50 headshots reprinted in NY without checking a proof first?
Will any accompanist ever call or email me back and say that they are available for singing1? (yes, they did).

The conclusion? I haven't decided on anything, really. My records are much better in terms of dates, fees, requirements, and what needs to be done by a certain date, but I still haven't made that final commitment to put postage on something and send it off...partially because I don't have my new headshot mass produced yet, and partially because I want to concentrate on other musical things until this week is over, and THEN concentrate on the applications.

In WAY fun news I saw another quote in Opera News that was highly amusing regarding a recent performance of mine. So now my record for showing up there is two months in a row.
Beat that, Trebs!!! j/k, j/k I know you're sick and you're resting your 'voce'. Feel better soon, and oh, yea, please go back to singing rep. that fits in your voice so you don't lose it in the first place.

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