13 September, 2008

Dear me in 1999

Dear Self in 1999, thank you SO much for sticking to your gut, believing in your musical abilities, and dreaming about being onstage for the rest of your life.

Self 2008 thanks you profusely on behalf of all of the 9-5 days that I did NOT have to endure for the past 9 years.

Sure, part time work, internships, making ends meet, jobs here and there, even some crappy office work endured. But today, as my 'first day training/shadowing' I worked a 9-5. Filing. Work emails. IT department. Payroll. Time stamps.

Can I please have that daily schedule? That email sent at close to midnight that tells me what I'll do the next day? Rehearse which scenes? Go to which donor benefits? Have which coaching? Call times to rehearsal? Directions to the theater? Costume and wig fittings?
Something different and exciting every day and something that I know I rock at?! (Although, I DO alphabetize and mail merge at an alarmingly fast rate)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uuuggghhh I hear that sister. I worked full time every day this summer for the first time ever...sitting in front of a computer screen mindlessly for hours. Nothing has ever made me more grateful to be going to college for music. Any doubt I might have had about it not being the right thing for me slipped away with every game of computer solitare I played! Now Im like "I dont care about the long periods of being unemployed, just as long as I have that variety!"