26 July, 2012

remember that one time...

...when I had TIME to do things?
Things that I wanted to do?
Things that I needed to do?

Things that didn't involve breastfeeding every 3 hours, changing poopy diaper explosions, wiping chewed up soggy banana pieces off of all of my clothes, wiping chewed up soggy banana pieces off of all of HIS clothes, wiping chewed up soggy banana pieces off of everything in the kitchen?

Yea, I don't remember that either.

This is not a direct response to my friend and colleague's recent HAPPY announcement that I am so super-duper-excited for her about:

Just a happy coincidence that both were choosing the topic of pregnancy/babies/motherhood and opera-singer-mom-hood-ness.

Yes, it's all amazing, bubbles, rainbows, and sparkly unicorns too-- I mean, babies are magical things. The smiles that I get are absolutely unforgettable and when he laughs my eyes light up and my heart is full.

But, I'll take anything at this point. 20 minutes?
Of course now that it's 10:45pm I can't bust out Zerbinetta's aria or anything.

Here's to muscle memory, learning through osmosis and just going all out next month no matter how much time or lack there of I have now. Prost.

1 comment:

AlisonDee said...

I read Jennifer's post and immediately thought of you in fact. :)